Are you a new parent? Well, congratulations and welcome to parenthood! Before you know it, your newborn will be a toddler, and then a preschooler, and then heading off to college. Here are 15 tips new parents need to know.
1. Babies cry
Babies naturally cry in order to meet their needs, so the best thing to do is to get to know you baby and learn what soothes her. try not to blame yourself or become angry with your baby if you are unable to calm them. Learning what works will take patience and practice.
2. Never Become Aggressive
Never shake or become aggressive with you baby. If you feel like you are getting upset, place your little one in a safe place and walk away for a few minutes, or until you feel like you are in a better place.
3. Keep a Camera Close
Babies grow and change so quickly! Keep your phone close so that you can take lots of pictures. If you are able, take a picture everyday so that you can see how you baby has changed over weeks, and months.
4. Ask for Help
Caring for a newborn can be exhausting! It’s normal to feel tired, exhausted, and unsure. Ask for help whenever you feel overwhelmed.
5. Plan Ahead
Make sure to input important numbers that you may need. Most importantly, include numbers like your pediatrician, a breast feeding consultant, and friends from an mommy group.
6. Hold Your Baby
Hold your baby as often as you want. Don’t worry about what friends or family has to say about ‘spoiling’ your baby. Holding you baby often is good for your baby and for you. You are meeting your baby’s needs because she will feel safe and secure.
7. Park the Broom
Take a much time as you need for your baby and yourself… the housework can wait.
8. Let Your Partner Take Control
If your partner is trying to be involved… let them. Even if you feel as if you may complete a task ‘better’ or you know exactly what your baby needs, try your best to involve your partner. Allow them to get to know your baby in the same way you have.
9. Read To Your Baby
Read to your baby as much as possible, and at least every day. It is never too early to read to your child. In fact, reading builds imagination, fosters brain development, and is something that your baby needs. It will also act as a bonding tradition for you and baby. Don’t forget to encourage others to be involved too.
10. Rest
We know you’ve heard this tip often. And we know that its often easier said than done. But its one of the more important tips for new parents. When your baby takes a nap, get as much rest as you possibly can.
11. Create a Sleep Routine
Creating a sleep routine as early as possible will save you time, and honestly some frustration. Helping your baby learn to fall sleep on their own is possibly the most underrated new tip for parents.
After your bedtime routine, get into the habit of putting your baby down while they are drowsy so that she learns to fall asleep on her own. If she becomes dependent on breast feeding, or rocking to fall asleep, she will always be dependent on you.
12. Go For Walks

If possible, go for frequent walks even when your child is a newborn. Nature and outdoor experiences are important for the development of your baby, but it will also be refreshing for you.
13. Be Grateful
Every night or morning, take some time to review what you are grateful for, and what went well during the day.
Reflecting on gratitude for will foster positive emotions, create more good experiences, improve your health, help you to deal with adversity, and build stronger relationships with your family and babies.
14. Put Down Your Phone
Yes, we recommend as one of the tips for new parents that you take lots of photos, at least one per day. But in between taking photos, social media, calls, and texts can wait. Post pictures, respond to texts and emails when your baby is asleep. Engaging in these things may even be calming for you, and provide a form of ‘escape’.
But when you baby is awake, take the time to engage with them. Read, play, cuddle, and build a positive relationship through touch and engagement. It’s what your baby needs.
15. Pour Out The Love!
Through your touch, kisses, smiles, hugs, and words, gush over your baby and pour out your love, so that your baby knows just how much you love them.