Toddlers (18 to 36 months) are working on their identity. They are curious, inquisitive, and want to know who they are. Some have even named this stage of development… “the inquisitive twos.”
Our educators not only recognize your toddler’s desires, but they also understand typical child development from birth through age 6. They will use purposeful play and inquiry opportunities to capitalize on a toddler’s natural curiosity and enthusiasm.
Take a look at how we plan to meet the needs of your toddler:
Language & Literacy

Early language and literacy skills are developed through everyday moments with your child, like reading books, talking, laughing, and playing together.
While language and literacy are two separate skills, they build upon each other in many ways. At Laugh & Learn ELCC there are many opportunities for your toddler to engage in language and literacy with their peers and educators.
Our educators will spend ample time talking to your toddler so that they learn how words should sound and how conversations go back and forth. They will read books with simple stories and use songs, rhymes, and finger plays that have repeating patterns.
Consider how our educators will extend and develop on your toddler’s language while reading a simple story:
“Siara lost her doll. What do you think will happen next?”
Aadya, 20 months:
“You said, ‘Cry.’ Do you think Siara is sad about losing her favorite toy?”
…and using and adding new words
“Look how excited Siara is now that she found her doll!”
Math & Numeracy

As with literacy and language, our educators actively incorporate numerical activities in all areas of your toddler’s classroom while ensuring that they are engaging and hands-on. The toddler classroom also includes a wide range of mathematical manipulatives as they begin to learn and explore.
Grace & Courtesy

From an early age, even when children have difficulty controlling their own behaviors, they are observing and processing the behaviors of those around them. Being aware of this, our educators make sure to model desired behaviors to children and adults, and acknowledge their own feelings with “I” messages.
Social & Emotional

At Laugh & Learn ELCC, your child will have opportunities to try new social skills and to try doing things for herself and others.
Our educators will help your toddler find ways to express themselves and their feelings in positive and healthy ways.
Science & Exploration

As a toddler, your child will experience a deeper engagement with materials reflecting sensory, science, and nature that will encourage them to explore through cause and effect experimentation and observation.
Physical Development & Wellness

As a toddler, your child desperately wants to be in control. Their ‘egocentrism’ causes them to express their developmental need for freedom within limits. This is perfectly normal!
In our toddler program, your little one will be given many opportunities to be active, both indoors and outdoors, and to use their bodies, senses, and evolving problem solving skills. They will also have access to materials and activities that interest them and help them improve their hand coordination, like scribbling with crayons and stacking toys.
Music & Creative Expression
Through continued exposure, your toddler will develop a positive appreciation for music, movement, and creative expression.