As parents and caregivers we all want our children to become happy and healthy adults, and to thrive in a changing world and environment. And the world is definitely changing right now, and truth be told there will be more changes in the future. Consider these ten things every child needs:
1. Interaction
To become a healthy and happy adult that thrives in many aspects of life, every child needs consistent and long term attention from caring adults and members of their family. Through these interactions, they learn about themselves, the world, and how to interact with others.
2. Touch

Human touch is so important! In fact, its one of the basic needs for survival. Holding, cuddling, hugging, and embracing your child in physical touch does more than just comfort them. It helps their brain develop, and helps them become healthy and happy adults.
3. Reading
Do you remember reading your favourite book as a child, and how it made you feel? Do you remember getting lost in your imagination? Reading to your child is vitally important and helps to create meaningful experiences.
It’s never to early to read to children, even while they are still in the womb. Not only does it play a role in their education and development, but it creates a lifelong love of books and the written word. And don’t forget about all the joy reading can bring to their little lives!
4. Music
As the written word helps children thrive, music and the ‘sung’ word will do the same. Music can be calming for many children and it will expand your child’s world.
Singing songs and playing instruments helps develop a child’s logistical skills and usually enhances their science and math learning.
5. Stability
Families are diverse! The stereotypical ‘definition’ of a family is not relevant for most families. And even within families, sometimes things change and the household dynamics inevitably change too. Even still, it’s important to provide children with stability.
If there’s ever a change in family dynamics, or even if there’s not, make sure to keep the child’s life as stable as possible, by not disrupting normal routines, access to family, and community.
Stability and consistency should also be within your child’s learning environment. Children thrive in consistent and predictable environments because they can take safe risks. And a child who can take safe risks and learn from them will grow into a happy and healthy adult.
6. Environment
One of the most vital things children need to be able to thrive is a safe and healthy environment. The environment should be free from hazardous materials, sharp objects, and loud noises. Children will never be able to thrive, or learn in an environment they do not feel safe in. An environment that is not safe, may actually cause the child stress.
As children feel safe in their environment they will be able to explore, build relationships, and navigate through the environment without harm or restrictions.
7. Communication
Effective communication is a skill that many adults haven’t even mastered. But if you begin communicating with your child from a young age, it will help them to express their feelings of anger, frustration, jealousy, happiness, and joy.
These are the vital verbal skills that children need to succeed in life and school.
8. Relationships
Just as children need a safe environment, they need positive role models, and stable relationships with parents and other caregivers to thrive and become independent.
Parents and caregivers act as role models for children and can show them how to act with empathy, compassion, and respect just by the way they treat them.
Having caring and stable relationships also helps children to develop self-esteem. With the right kind of respect, encouragement, and positivity from parents and caregivers, children will develop self-esteem that will help them to thrive as healthy and happy adults.
9. Play!

Did you expect to see this on the list? Well you should have :). Play is also vitally important for the development, and wellbeing of your child. Allowing them to grow into happy and healthy adults who are able to thrive in a changing world.
Playing will help your child explore their senses and discover their world. Playing with others will also help them to navigate spaces with others, and it stimulates creative thinking.
Play is an important part of a child’s education and upbringing, and will teach them invaluable lessons.
We all want our children to get the best possible education for their future, because knowledge is power. But if they cannot creatively do anything with that knowledge, it becomes powerless.
10. Quality Childcare
When parents are unable to be with their children, they entrust caregivers to provide the best environment and care possible. Trained professionals can, and will, make a positive different in the development of your child, and help them to become happy and healthy adults.
Click here to see how Laugh & Learn ELCC plans to meet the development of your child.
To help your child thrive and become a happy and healthy adult, consider these 10 things that you can start doing today. Most of all don’t forget to spend quality time with your child so that they feel safe and that their basic needs are met.